When you are going to be absent for an extended period, it may be convenient to have someone else handle your invoices for you. In such cases, you can activate the absence assistant in SEMINE in "My Profile".
- Click on "My Profile" at the top right in SEMINE.
- Check "Activate out of office"
- Select the period you will be away for.
- Click on the "Add" button below the help text.
- Then select the clients where you would like for someone else to approve invoices on your behalf in the absence period.
Note: If a user has activated the absence assistant themselves and are currenly not available, you will not be able to see them in the dropdown menu.
- Finish with "Save Changes".
When an invoice is forwarded due to the absence assistant, you will be able to see this on the workflow icon and the workflow tab inside the invoice.
NOTE: The absence assistant does not forward documents that have already been assigned, but it forwards documents that come in after it has been activated.
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