This guide will show you how to setup the relationship between tables in Power BI.
The first thing you must do after the data is loaded into your report is to make relationships between the tables. Click the model button on the left.
Make a relationship between Invoices.SupplierId and Suppliers.Id.
Make a relationship between Invoices.ClientId and clients.Id.
Make a relationship between Invoices.Id and InvoiceLines.InvoiceId. This relationship should be able to filter both ways. This is done by double-clicking the relationship and change Cross filter direction to Both.
Make a relationship between InvoiceLines.Id and Dimensions.InvoiceLineId. This relationship also should be able to filter both ways.
Make a relationship between InvoiceStatusChanges.InvoiceId and Invoice.Id. This relationship should filter both ways.
Make a relationship between Workflow.InvoiceId and Invoice.Id. This relationship should filter both ways.
In the end you should end up with something like this. Now you can start making the report.
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