The 4 Eyes Principle feature adds an extra layer of scrutiny by requiring a minimum number of unique users to approve the invoice before it will achieve the "Approved" status. The invoice will stay in a status called "For Control" until it has been approved by the minimum number of unique users. While in this status, the invoice can only be modified and forwarded (reassigned) by users with the role "4EyesPrinciple".
Enabling the 4 Eyes Principle
To enable the 4 Eyes Principle, you can access the feature through two primary access points:
Edit Organization: Configure the feature at the organizational level.
Edit Clients: Customize settings at the client level for specific needs.
Organization Level
Under the 'Edit Organization' tab, you will find an option labeled "4 Eyes Control." Here, you can enable multiple approval checks and specify the minimum number of required approvers.
Client Level
Under the 'Edit Client' tab, you will find an option labeled "4 Eyes Control." Here, you can enable multiple approval checks and specify the minimum number of required approvers.
Double-click on the client to edit.
If the "Inheritance from Organization" option is enabled, the 4 Eyes Control settings applied at the organization level will also be applied at the client level.
User Permissions
All users with regular approver access will be able to approve the invoice but only users with 4EyesPrinciple access will be able to reassign/forward the invoice to other users while it is in the "For Control" status. This ensures that only trusted users can manage invoices waiting for minimum number of approvals.
- Four-Eyes Principle Role
- Administration Role
For Control Status
With the four-eyes principle enabled, the system now conducts validation checks to ensure the minimum number of approvals is obtained before invoices are approved.
If the configured minimum number of approvals is not met, the invoices will stay in a status called "For Control".
With the invoices in the "For Control" state, users with the role of '4EyesPrinciple' have the right to edit invoices by forwarding them or reassigning them to other users and the "Add Manual Workflow" button is now enabled for invoices in the "For Control" state.
Click on the "Add manual workflow" option. You can choose a workflow from the existing list or create a new workflow.
This allows you to initiate further approval processes manually, facilitating seamless workflow management and maintaining efficiency.
Status Transition Criteria:
Transition to the new status "For Control" occurs under the following conditions:
The invoice has not yet been approved by the minimum required unique users
One or more invoice lines have not yet been approved by the minimum required number of users.
Workflow Implementation
- Minimum Number of Approvers: The minimum number of unique users required to approve each invoice line. When approving the invoice, it is essential to note that each approval counts as approval for the respective invoice line.
- Validation Process: After each approval, the system automatically checks the number of unique approvers per invoice line. If the number meets or exceeds the minimum requirement, the invoice transitions to the "Approved" status, signifying successful validation.
- Status Indication: In cases where the minimum number of approvals per invoice line is not met, the invoice enters the "For Control" status. This indicates that additional approvals are required before the invoice can proceed further in the workflow.
- Indicator for Assigned Approvals: While there is no specific indication for the remaining number of required approvers, each invoice line displays an indicator to show whether it has been assigned for approval by any user. This feature helps users track the progress of approvals efficiently.
- Role of 4Eyes Users: Users with the designated role of 4Eyes have the authority to forward invoices in the "For Control" status to any other user.
- Approving the invoice is the equivalent to approving each invoice line individually.
Scenario: Minimum number of unique approvers is 2. The invoice is assigned to Person A who approves the entire invoice which is equivalent to approving all invoice lines. Three lines of the invoice are assigned and approved by Person B. However, one line is not assigned or approved.
Result: 4 invoice lines have been approved by Person A and 3 invoice lines has been approved by Person B. The invoice gets the status "For Control" since one line has only been approved by one unique user and the minimum required number of unique approvers is 2.
Solution: Person C has the role 4EyesPrinciple and has access to manage invoices in the "For Control" status. Person C can choose to either approve the remaining invoice line or forward the line to some other user who can approve the line. This will fulfill the minimum requirements of 2 unique approvers per line and the invoice will be moved to the "Approved" status.
The 4 Eyes Principle enhances validation processes in SEMINE, promoting accuracy and accountability in invoice approvals. Users can effectively leverage this feature to streamline their invoicing procedures by understanding setup, permissions, and workflow intricacies.
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